Famous Victorian Festival to celebrate 40th anniversary

ORGANISERS have announced that the 40th anniversary of the Victorian Festival will be going ahead in Llandrindod Wells this summer.

The festival will be held over the last week of August, from the 24th to the 30th, which will be the event’s ‘Get Together Community Day’.

The festival going ahead will of course be subject to Covid-19 regulations. Stalls and food and beverage outlets can now be booked by contacting Anne and Tony on email at anne@Victorian-festival.co.uk or tony@victorian-festival.co.uk.

Stalls will be £15 for one day, £35 for three days and £60 for the full seven days. Organisers are also looking for bands and other entertainment to make the 2021 festival an enjoyable experience for residents and visitors alike.

The firework display and torch light procession will also take place during Sunday evening, August 29, sponsored by Llandrindod Wells Town Council. It is hoped that the fun fair will also be available this year. The evening will have various events including a Caribbean night and Victorian ball plus theatrical shows by Gerald Dickens and Alison Neil as well as other entertainment.

Any assistance from residents and businesses will be appreciated. The brochure will be available from mid-July and bookings for evening performance from July 15.

“The Victorian Festival will probably be the first chance for the town to come together again for some 18 months and the festival team are looking forward to it and also in renewing old acquaintances,” said festival director Christopher Hartley.

“Over the last few years the festival has been beset by financial problems and, of course, laterally, the pandemic, but the show must go on. It is the 40th Anniversary and with your help it can be a big success.

“The popular event will kick off on Tuesday, August 24, and include a fun-filled week of events, while the final bank holiday Monday will herald the town’s community day when we hope the whole town will get together and help us organise a great day for young and old alike.

“From Tuesday to Sunday there will be entertainment on and around the band stand between 11am and 3pm. Some of the best bands in the area will play for your pleasure.

“The gardens will be open from 10am to 6pm, we will have a cycle cavalcade, dog show, floral arranging classes, best cake competition, plus business stalls and food and beverage outlets. Not forgetting fancy dress competitions for young and old alike and a Cockney-themed picnic – the list is growing.”

Evening shows and events include: Gerald Dickens performing ‘Mr Dickens is Coming’ and ‘The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby’; Alison Neil performing ‘Larks and Magic’ the story of E Nesbit; the Grand Victorian Ball, Caribbean Night with a steel band and Jamaican buffet; and an evening soiree.

On bank holiday Monday the gardens will be open from 10am to 10pm, with plenty of entertainment organised by residents, charities and businesses.

If you can assist in any way, contact organisers via the website at www.victorian-festival.co.uk, email admin@victorian-festival.co.uk or phone 01597 825012.

County Times | Llandrindod Wells & Rhayader